Signing an unsigned/signed iOS(.ipa) App with Mac

Download and use iOS App Signer –

There’s a guide on their website to sign an app without a developer account.

This guide is for signing an app with a developer account and *.mobileprovision file for Ad Hoc Distribution

Select your input file, can be .ipa or .app and it can be signed/unsigned.

Select your Signing Certificate – iPhone Distribution: Your Name (**********)

And for Provisioning Profile, select Choose custom file and select the *.mobileprovision (downloaded from or select from the list from Xcode.

Click start and your unsigned/signed app will now be signed with the new certificate, for example now you could distribute OTA installs for testing.

Signing a signed iOS(.ipa) App with Linux (CentOS)

Currently signing with an unsigned app does not work.

You’ll need Python with pip installed on the server.

pip install ak-isign

Once installed, next you’ll need to export the certificate (iOS Distribution) from your Keychain Access on your Mac (leave the password blank)

Upload your *.p12 file to the server. ~/Certificates.p12

(Press return for blank password twice)

Upload your *.mobileprovision file.

Rename and move it to:

mv *.mobileprovision ~/.isign/isign.mobileprovision

Upload your App (.ipa) file.

And finally:

isign -o myapp-signed.ipa myapp.ipa
Categories: General


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