Here is an example of a set of GPS coordinates:
GPSS = [{"Lat":40.641099,"Lon": -73.917094},{"Lat":40.60442,"Lon": -74.054873},{"Lat":40.779582,"Lon": -73.920213},{"Lat":40.651616,"Lon": -73.89097},{"Lat":40.755183,"Lon": -73.846248}]
This is python code I wrote to work out the distances from from each of the points without duplicating.
import geopy
from geopy import distance #Forgot to add.
def distancesFromGPSS(GPSS):
Distances = []
for index, GPS in enumerate(GPSS):
for x in range(0, len(GPSS)):
if index != x:
if Distances:
for d in Distances:
NotFound = False
if (index < d[0] or index < d[1]) and ((index == d[0] and x != d[0]) or (x == d[1] and index != d[1])):
NotFound = True
if NotFound:
Distance = distance((GPS['Lat'], GPS['Lon']), (GPSS[x]['Lat'], GPSS[x]['Lon'])).kilometers
Distances.append((index, x, Distance))
Distance = distance((GPS['Lat'], GPS['Lon']), (GPSS[x]['Lat'], GPSS[x]['Lon'])).kilometers
Distances.append((index, x, Distance))
return Distances
You should then get something like this:
dist_list = [(0, 1, 12.34895151892164), (0, 2, 15.380561959360797), (0, 3, 2.499303143635897), (0, 4, 14.012560598709298), (1, 2, 22.53687775052488), (1, 3, 14.824576927209662), (1, 4, 24.318038568441654), (2, 3, 14.423642658224264), (2, 4, 6.807346029310139), (3, 4, 12.106031672624894)]
We then feed this array of distances into this function:
import mlrose
import numpy as np
def TSP(GPSS):
dist_list = distancesFromGPSS(GPSS)
fitness_dists = mlrose.TravellingSales(distances = dist_list)
problem_fit = mlrose.TSPOpt(length = len(GPSS), fitness_fn = fitness_dists, maximize=False)
best_state, best_fitness = mlrose.genetic_alg(problem_fit, mutation_prob = 0.2, max_attempts = 100, random_state = 2)
print('The best state found is: ', best_state)
print('The fitness at the best state is: ', best_fitness)
ShortestGPSS = []
for b in best_state:
return ShortestGPSS
ShortestGPSS = TSP(GPSS)
[{'Lat': 40.755183, 'Lon': -73.846248}, {'Lat': 40.651616, 'Lon': -73.89097}, {'Lat': 40.641099, 'Lon': -73.917094}, {'Lat': 40.60442, 'Lon': -74.054873}, {'Lat': 40.779582, 'Lon': -73.920213}]
Solving Travelling Salesperson Problems with Python
Example 4: Example 4: Travelling Salesperson Using Distance-Defined Fitness Function
Travelling Salesman Problem
Dijkstra’s Algorithm – This is similar but different because this doesn’t necessarily visit all the points.
Shivanshu · January 11, 2020 at 12:12 pm
Hi, encountered this error…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\Python37\world_tour\”, line 45, in
ShortestGPSS = TSP(GPSS)
File “C:\Program Files\Python37\world_tour\”, line 31, in TSP
dist_list = distancesFromGPSS(GPSS)
File “C:\Program Files\Python37\world_tour\”, line 21, in distancesFromGPSS
Distance = distance((GPS[‘Lat’], GPS[‘Lon’]), (GPSS[x][‘Lat’], GPSS[x][‘Lon’])).kilometers
NameError: name ‘distance’ is not defined
Shivanshu · January 11, 2020 at 2:56 pm
Please add “from geopy import distance”
root · January 13, 2020 at 10:29 am
Added now, sorry about that.